Sunday, May 17, 2015

Reverie #2

Waking up each morning is hard for me. Body aches and gritted teeth.. Cursing the morning like its the devil on my heels. Another day, another indifference. Tragic to me.  Arising from a tomb of lifeless black. I wish I could sleep for days. I revel in the thought of passing hours secluded behind satin sheets and fluffy pillows. Only the sound of the crow outside to ruse me from slumber.  Summer morning are close. Those I dread the most. Sticky sweat and heat. Light burning behind closed lids that I wish to remain shut tight and bathed in cool autumn crisp air. I loathe the summer days when children run screaming like the demons in my nightmares. Human cruelty at its finest to be auctioned to a desolate smog of heat and flame. Too close to the sun.  I can feel the scorching tendrils licking at my moonstone skin. Peeling away the last layers of my melancholy.  I long for darkness sweet with bitter cold. The frost covering my windows to hide the world I so seek to remain hidden from. I feel the same every year. It's everlasting. I'm a shadow of myself. Swathed in heady perspiration. Livid. Unholy Summer. I dread your awakening. 


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